Big question thinks...

Our Big Question

How might a MLE/Student Led/Play Based Environment help develop writers?

('Writers'- our understanding of what that means is a big part we'd need to unpack)

We need to organize our information into categories . (there's a synthesis matrix we could use) . (SeeWeek 19 related media)

Chronologically within each subtopic/subthemes

Ben gave us feedback on our possible questioning...
I'm interesting in your line of thinking but I'm not sure the question you've posed is doing quite enough in terms of both narrowing down or opening up your research opportunities. I understand what you're driving at. It might be worth, instead, considering a research question that explores the link between play-based learning and 21st century learning skills (of which skilled communication is a writing-related element)...

Or, more specifically, you could look for research around a link - and thus frame a question - between play-based learning and raised achievement (whatever that might look like - something else you'll need to carefully define) in writing.

Do let us know if you need any further thoughts or input.

Also, Darcy gave us feedback on the google+ community.  She said...
it sounds quite vague in terms of the key words that help you to search for sources for lit rev. It's sort of you want to look at sth impact/enhance student writing? you stil need to nail it down to make the question clearer. Have you done any preliminary search for the readings?

Then, we took an about turn

How useful are the Key Competencies in empowering 21st century learners?


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